Our mission is to protect and conserve threatened ecosystems in Ecuador or other relevant countries in Latin America, with some of the world’s richest and most important concentrations of biodiversity, especially in terms of threatened and endangered endemic species.


Many years ago, a small group of people were exploring a mountain slope in southern Ecuador. Few from outside the community had ever visited this stretch of cloud forest. They heard a song in the distance, an unknown song. They walked closer, and the song grew louder. Suddenly, a bird jumped from the forest floor onto a branch, and stood in front of them. It was a bird unknown to science, never before seen by the outside world. It would soon be called the Jocotoco Antpitta. To protect this new species, they acted quickly to purchase that forest. It became the Tapichalaca Reserve in 1998. Over the years, Fundación Jocotoco expanded. We saved rare species and habitats on new reserves across Ecuador. We restored forests that were lost. We started conserving wildlife in the oceans. Now, years later, we protect ecosystems across entire regions. Jocotoco is now a model for the rest of the world, showing how a small, local organization can grow to have an impact across an entire country. Jocotoco US was founded to support that mission in 2018.

Strategic Partnerships: Fundación Jocotoco collaborates with local communities, governments, and other conservation organizations. These partnerships help leverage resources and create a broader impact.

Scientific Approach: Jocotoco employs scientific research and data-driven methods to guide their conservation efforts. This allows Jocotoco to identify critical areas for conservation and to measure the impact of their actions.

Efficient Management: The organization is known for its efficient use of resources. They often prioritize direct conservation action, ensuring that the funds raised are predominantly channeled into on-the-ground conservation efforts.

Engagement and Education: Fundación Jocotoco also engages in educational activities and community outreach, raising awareness about the importance of conservation and involving local communities in their efforts.

Conservation Successes: The organization has a track record of successful conservation initiatives, such as establishing reserves that protect endangered species and their habitats. This success contributes to their credibility and ability to attract funding and support.

Adaptability and Innovation: They are known for their ability to adapt to changing circumstances and employ innovative approaches to conservation. This adaptability helps them tackle new challenges effectively.

See more about our partners HERE 

Staff and Board

Jajean Rose, Director of Jocotoco US

Jajean became the Director of Jocotoco US in 2023. Before that, he was the Deputy Director of the Western New York Land Conservancy, a land trust in the Buffalo-Niagara Region of Upstate New York, for nearly 11 years. Between 2010 and 2012, he served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Puebla, Mexico, working for the federal environmental agency, SEMARNAT, on conservation projects. During graduate school and directly afterwards, Jajean studied and taught at the Monteverde Institute in Costa Rica, supporting communities in their effort to protect cloud forest reserves.  

Jim Muchmore, Communications Director

Jim is an avid birdwatcher and photographer. Trained in communications and design, he transitioned from a career in marketing and advertising to conservation after visiting Ecuador. Jim is the founder of Save the Chocó, a partner organization with Jocotoco working to protect and restore the Chocó forests in western Ecuador. 


Marlies Quirino, President

David Agro, Vice President and Secretary

Andrew Farnsworth, Treasurer

Stephanie Hanford, Board

Robert Ridgely, Board


Gino Ellison, Jocotoco US Ambassador